Франція: термінова волонтерська вакансія

НГО “Іскра” терміново шукає волонтера на проект у Франції.

Детальніше про проект тут. Дедлайн подачі: 20 липня.

Опис проекту:

“Maison Familiale Rurale de Bournezeau” is looking for a Ukrainian volunteer for its unique project. A picturesque little town not far from the Bay of Biscay, working with horses, organising master classes, teaching children about languages and cultures… A perfect opportunity for those of you who would like to improve their French and take a gap year!

? Where?
Bournezeau, region Pays de la Loire, France

? When?
September 2nd, 2019 – July 12th, 2020

? What will I do in this project?

The hosting organisation is a boarding school (part of the children permanently live in the school) with a professional focus. Students of the boarding school study the usual subjects + riding horses + the basics of agricultural business. The students are between 14 and 21 years old. The role of the EVS volunteer is to organise sports and cultural events in the evenings, to teach the students foreign languages, to assist the director with administrative tasks, to tell the students about Ukraine and to motivate them to travel and explore the world.

? How is the project financed?
Expenses are fully covered: living expenses, food&pocket money, medical insurance, support in learning the language, visa expenses, travel expenses (within a set limit).

?Am I eligible?

• You are aged 18 to 30 years
• You have a driving licence (important!!)
• You have a first experience in working with children
• Ability to ride horses is not necessary, but welcome
• You have at least intermediate level of both ENGLISH and FRENCH (level A2) and motivated to learn more French.

?‍♀️How do I apply?

Please prepare:
• CV (1-2 pages in tabular form) in English or French
• Motivation letter (1 full page) in French!

Then apply through this link: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/12183_en

Deadline – 20th of July, 2019.

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